How to Disinfect a Carpet

In times of COVID-19, there are people who wonder how to disinfect a carpet. Coming into the house and putting your shoes on the carpet or any surface can be a source of concern for bacteria, especially if you have children or pets in the house. Therefore, if you are interested in learning more about this subject, we will tell you how to disinfect correctly.

Guide to learn how to disinfect a carpet

desinfect a carpet

We are concerned that you take care of your carpets and keep them in the best condition. That is why we have already told you how to clean your carpets.

Of course, in this guide we want to go one step further and show you how you can disinfect the carpets well, so that no traces of bacteria or (if applicable) viruses remain and you can do it for both home and work carpets.

1. Traditional and economic alternatives: Dry cleaners, steam engines and home remedies

If you’re looking for a simple and inexpensive way to sanitize the carpets in your home, we recommend that you take a look at the carpet maintenance guides we have on the blog, for more cleaning tips and tricks for all types of carpets.

Although here we leave you with a summary of the best alternatives for sanitizing a carpet:

Dry Cleaning: Especially if it is a delicate fabric carpet, is quite old or is made by hand, the best thing is to occasionally go to a dry cleaner or fabric cleaning professionals to clean and disinfect the carpets in your home in the safest way.

Steam machine: An interesting alternative to the so fashionable ozone machines, is to use a steam or vapor machine. It can be used directly on the carpet to disinfect it, although for better results, it is recommended to add a mixture of white vinegar and water.

Home remedy with vacuum cleaner: if you do not have any machine, there are products that together can make a truly effective mixture. For example, if you mix baking soda, corn flour and boron salt (in the ratio of ½ cup, 1 cup and 1 cup respectively) to make a paste. Simply apply it, leave it to work overnight, and then vacuum.

Home remedy with blender: If you don’t have the above ingredients, another option is to mix ¼ of liquid castile soap (made with olive oil) and 1/3 of warm water. Then, blend it all. When you get a lather, apply it to the carpet and let it work for a few minutes. Then, brush and wipe with a clean cloth.

2. Cleaning with an ozone generator

If you want to do a deep cleaning of your carpet, you can use an ozonizer. This is a machine that generates ozone artificially and allows disinfecting and cleaning the environment. Not only carpets and textiles, but everything.

It is easy to use, because its use is like a vacuum cleaner or any other handheld machine and it oversees releasing the aqueous ozone directly into the carpet, just by bringing it closer.

This type of machine has become especially popular now, both for home and business use. That, yes, you should make sure you buy this product from a professional dealer and offer guarantees, because due to the boom of this product in recent months, counterfeits of these generators have proliferated at low cost, but do not really have a proven effectiveness. Always consult with professionals.

Used properly, it is an excellent solution for disinfecting surfaces and materials of any kind, including carpets and shoes. We say shoes, so that they are disinfected before stepping on carpets. It does not leave chemical residues and evaporates in just 1 hour from the moment it is applied. It is effective and manages to clean and disinfect everything. Furthermore, it is harmless to people and animals if it is used correctly.

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